General Corporate
Martin LLP is defined, in a very real sense, by our ability to devise and implement practical, workable solutions in what are sometimes exceptionally complex situations with many unknowns. In other words, to come up with solutions that work in the real world. Nowhere is this more true than in our corporate practice group, where the objective is to help our clients reach their business goals, by implementing their strategies.
We bring an exceptionally versatile toolkit to our work. Our corporate attorneys typically preceded their arrival at Martin with decades of experience at large, international firms, working on sophisticated deals. Accordingly, our expertise spans all the commercial, financial, regulatory and governance matters that are the building blocks of a successful business, of any size, all provided by a small, highly responsive group of attorneys who make accessibility a priority.
We also constitute a close-knit and fluid group, that can act as a member of a larger group that includes outside professionals, or to work closely with our colleagues in other Martin practice groups, such as real estate or Litigation, if that’s what’s needed to fill out the team.
We also help clients with raising funding, negotiating partnerships and joint ventures, developing and executing on exit strategies, and thinking through succession questions. We provide what the business requires, and tailor it to each individual situation – there are no cookiecutter solutions, ever. In short, and again, our corporate group helps our clients define and reach their goals in a manner that both minimizes risk and maximizes opportunities. We focus, in other words, on results.